Where did November go???!!!!
There was a trip to the Tsawwassen Mills Mall to practise training: “Go in” & “Sit” (photos) & a reward with a puppuccino. (Maybe Teddy’s first because he didn’t act as though he knew what was coming in the little cup?) (photo) We stopped at Michael’s for knitting yarn and to practise walking beside a cart on our way home. (photo)
We tried to attend a noon-hour concert at UBC Music, and the first little while was promising. (photo) Even though the chamber music was gentle and soothing, Teddy became fixated on the halti. I removed it from over his nose, and then he was obsessed with chewing on the halti straps. He made no noise, but it was not a fun experience for either of us. We left.
Training goal? LLW and get rid of the halti!
A first in-person class for Teddy with me began with Teddy being frantic. Why? New environment? Other dogs around? Tracy came to the rescue, took him into the classroom on his own with her, and let him sniff around off-leash, and fortunately, Teddy calmed down considerably. He didn’t show much interest in the other dogs attending the class and was efficient at the tasks required (“Search” & “Stand” & “Perch” with back-end movement that we did on our own while waiting for our turn). Progress was observed, for sure.
On November 30, Teddy & I went for a trial walk around at the Metrotown Mall where we’ll attend a field trip class on December 4. That is a mega mall, for sure! Teddy responded positively throughout, went in under tables in the Food Court, didn’t claim ownership of a chunk of what looked like gingerbread on the floor(!), and kept to himself when riding in elevators with others; once we found our car, we left. (Remember to identify and remember if parked on P1 or P2!!!!)
When will he learn to leave things lying around that aren’t his alone? When will I learn not to leave things lying around? Yes, a roll of toilet paper that I left lying on a step to be taken upstairs when I went up next was of personal interest to Teddy. (photo)
Oh my, the fruit bowl was left too close to the edge of the table, and Teddy discovered that he likes bananas and avocados. The fruit bowl has been moved way back now to the centre of the table and the door to the dining room is kept closed.
In closing, Teddy has MANY positive qualities: “Go in” & door procedures & “Wait” & recall & IYC & default leave it & kennel & naps & bedtime routine with teeth brushing, and attentive and responsive at home to name a few. Teddy is contented much of the time to just lay on his bed and chew on chews for a while before nodding off for a nap! (photos)
I wish for improved LLW without a halti, a calmer manner when around other dogs, and respect/disregard for things that aren’t his. Please Santa, they’re on my wish list!
The neutering date is December 19, and perhaps that will make a difference to Teddy’s demeanour. We’ll see…
Submitted by: Sandra