3 – 3 – 3 Teddy has spent 3 days, 3 weeks, but only 1 month with us, and all is on track positively, for sure: routine is established, free time in the garden (supervised), regular review of basics, attend to class homework, naps! We continue to enjoy Teddy’s presence very much!
Last month’s pupdate reported that Teddy wouldn’t allow the toothbrush even close to his mouth. The pictures reveal that Teddy’s well past that reluctance now; while he does lick and chew the brush a bit, he allows teeth brushing! (photos)
Teddy spent almost one week with breeder caretakers, Linda & Ken Osada, AND his mother, Izzie. After two days of being a nuisance, Izzie gave him a good ‘talking to’ and the remainder of his visit was very compatible. (photos) When Teddy returned to us, his calm demeanor continued, and the X-pen was no longer needed when he settled on his bed. (photo)
When PADS Trainers held their workshop, each trainer chose a “challenging” pup, and Tracy chose Teddy. He was exhausted after each day of being with some ten other pups, from working with Tracy, and rested well ‘at home’ with us. After three days, Teddy was named MOST IMPROVED!!!!
We continue to work on Teddy’s challenges: barking at other dogs and LLW. Barking at other dogs is close to being non-existent—he looks, he sometimes whines, but he usually doesn’t bark. We practise ways & means to instill LLW daily in low-distraction areas—inside the house and in the garden. Occasionally, when close to the house on our neighbourhood walks, I remove the halti to test Teddy’s LLW response, and he usually does well. Once, a yappy dog across the street caught his attention—without the halti’s control, he pulled hard to get to it, but didn’t bark back! Our goal is for Teddy to manage self-control at the in-person class, on Nov 27 as well as on a field trip on Dec 4—with solid LLW. It would be great IF this could be accomplished without wearing a halti. We’ll see…
Yes, Teddy has gone shopping—walks very well beside the shopping cart and doesn’t smell items on shelves; at restaurants, he settles well. (photos)
Happy Hallowe’en!!!! (photos)
Submitted by: Sandra