I got to kick off February with one of our amazing PADS Sitters. I spent time at an office job and working on settling in lots of different restaurants. Mum was happy to hear that I was on my very best behaviour as I worked on spreading my Texas charm to new people.
This month I was also able to go back to Lavington Elementary School after some time off. Everyone was very happy to see me and the feeling was definitely mutual. Apparently, not only do I make an excellent snuggle buddy, but I am also a keen listener while the kids practice reading out loud.
In class, I’ve been working on proofing my skills with the 3 Ds (Distance, Duration, and Distraction) as my turn-in date is fast approaching and I want to be ready to impress at University.
Well, that’s all for now, hopefully, next month will bring some warmer spring weather so we can enjoy some outdoor fun!
Submitted by: Sarah Markson