Timber was a Hockey Rink Pup and a Downtown Office Pup this month, staying with our family while his Raisers enjoyed some well-earned vacation time.

He is a staple for the Raiders U25 hockey games, cheering on the team from the stands silently and with purpose. He worked on ignoring the distractions that are the norm in an arena with a game live and in action.

Downtown Calgary, he turned heads and made many people smile, walking the halls of the office, practicing his “meeting manners” and perfecting his game of “surprising the folks in the meeting that there’s a dog in the room after the meeting ends.” It’s a long title but really self-explanatory, a win=o)

For training, we were working on some pulling distractions to perfect our loose leash walks. He’s getting there; it’s a long-term goal.

On the home front, he’s made some forever friends with two beasts; I know they’ll miss him when he moves on to bigger and better things (pictures).

Submitted by: Sam, Puppy-in-Training Sitter