Tio continues to build on his special skills and has been practising more of them out in public or around distractions like novel people or other PADS dogs. He has continued to work on different objects and is starting to do positions like foot and my lap as part of his retrieve sequence. He did an excellent job of demo-ing some of his skills on-site for BCAA volunteers when they were on campus helping clean up. Great work, Tio! This month, he also had some itchy paws, a bumpy chin and irritated ears. Tio went to get this checked out and got some shampoo and medicine for his symptoms. The vet said they need to look into this further in case of allergies. We hope to find out next steps soon and that everything resolves!

We are incredibly grateful for the support of Advanced Dog Tio.

Advanced training location: West Coast

Submitted by: Ashley, Service & Hearing Dog Instructor