Tio has been enjoying working on various skills and is most keen on retrieve! He has been doing an excellent job on his slow and steady duration carry of a dumbbell and is starting to work on incorporating simple retrieve items into his work. He has been doing a great job learning different positions around a chair, such as “foot,” “behind,” and “my lap.” He is currently working on figuring out how to target to hit the “button” when he is such a tall and long boy that he quickly reaches the light switches above. Sometimes, Tio finds other dogs very interesting and exciting, so we have been working on brushing up his default check-in and staying in proximity when noticing other dogs. It’s tricky, but he is starting to get the hang of it!

We are incredibly grateful for the support of Advanced Dog Tio.

Advanced training location: West Coast

Submitted by: Ashley, Service & Hearing Dog Instructor