Tio has been on his food trial for a little longer. He is doing very well with the new food and has had lots of outings this month. Tio has been to restaurants, coffee shops, churches, and choral concerts. He has learned to sleep through all kinds of music, including loud opera! This is a new genre for him, and we thought the high notes might upset him, but no, he slept right through the whole performance! Tio is such a laid-back boy.
A highlight this month was a run at low tide at Spanish Bank with seven other Pads Labs! A very long nap was taken afterwards!
He loves his daily run in Pacific Spirit Park and often does some outdoor training with other Pads friends. He has also attended two events at UBC with Campus Canines, his previous home.
It was a busy month.
Submitted by: Mary & Dave, Advanced Training Sitter