We finally got snow here after the holidays, and Toast was VERY excited about it. It’s fun watching him play and run in it. He also likes small spaces. We have a small side table made of plexiglass that he likes to curl up under. It amazes me how small of a ball he can make himself into for such a big boy. He also likes to let us know when it is time to go to bed. So we will take him out for one more pee, and then he races upstairs to his kennel and waits for us. If only the kids were as easy to get to bed. LOL
We also enjoyed a local hockey game, and Toast was a champ. Not bothered at all by all the noise and things going on. Looking forward to taking him to another game in February.
If you look carefully at the photo, you can see the table that Toast is curled up under.
Submitted by: Jasmine