My raiser left me!!
Well, she apparently went back to see her family in England, and I got to spend 10 days with some fantastic sitters and a new friend Simone (PADS released). I had lots of fun learning to settle in a new and exciting environment and learning that I don’t need to bug Simone all the time (my raiser isn’t sure whether I’ve learnt that yet). Still, I did get some cuddle time in the evenings, which made everyone really happy. I also started to lose my teeth!
It was a sad month as I had to say goodbye to the cheese chews as I’ve got too strong with my bite so I now have these strange chews from England. My raiser got me a new Christmas jumper which was HUGE, but I was told by my co-workers that I looked fantastic (Oh, and BTW, they are now my co-workers as they missed me more than my raiser!)
In the middle of the month, I got to go and spend the afternoon with the PADS staff at the campus as my raiser, and some co-worker friends spent the day pressure washing and fixing some gates and a shed. David (co-worker) says that it’s all because of me, and no one can say no to my face! My raiser was thinking of 4 hours to go and clean, but David had got hold of the idea and raised over $2000 from our vendors in gift cards and direct donations!
A couple of times in November, my raiser and I met up with Teri and some other raisers to go on an off-leash run. I really like these as they are lots of fun being able to play with the other puppies. The older dogs Halo and Folie are not so impressed! I then showed off how well I settle under a table and fall asleep on my raiser’s foot!
I also did lots of training on my skills, I like the bed one, but my raiser says we need to work on my duration as she has lots of photos of my butt as I walked out of the picture frame.
Right at the end of the month was my first experience with snow!!! It was only a little bit but lots of fun anyway.
See you next month!
Submitted by: Sarah