
Hi everybody! My name is Trek.Β  I’ve been in my new home for a month now.Β  I have a bruver called Russet (he has a yellow cape like me) and a seester called Maui.

I go to work at a place for sick puppers and doggos.Β  At work, I mostly get to play with my toys and nap in my kennel.

I am learning that I get food for looking at my hooman when she says my name.Β  I loooove food!Β  It makes me want to jump for joy, but I only get to eat it when I say β€œplease” by sitting.Β  I figured that out really quick!

Sometimes, I put on my superhero cape and learn with other puppers and doggos.Β  I get food there too!Β  And at stores.Β  And at restaurants.Β  And at appointments with my hooman.

Submitted By: Karina Nickel