Hi, Everyone!

Well, the BIG news is that Santa came and left a present right outside my kennel door – a brand new red & green tug rope. It’s magnificent! Plus, this month, I had my first-ever puppuccino. AND I went through the automatic carwash for the first time (that was an eye-opener!) So, I’d say it’s been a very festive (and foamy) season all around.

Sadly, my early December Puppy Swap was cancelled last minute, but that’s okay. PADS came to the rescue and kept me busy with back-to-back assessments – I did my GDBart and Public Access Test Walk & Talk with only one day in between! With those behind me, I feel right on track heading into the New Year.

Mostly, this month, I’ve been enjoying the holidays – with many spurts of cheery activity as well as lots of cozy downtime. Without even realizing it, all my PADS skills have gotten a good workout this month as I’ve gone from busy streets and stores, overflowing with people and decor, to trails and bogs, rustling with wind and birds and furry peers. Plus, all the human friends coming & going from the house, all the treats and aromas wafting about… not to mention the costume changes and photo ops?! It’s been the perfect month to practice reading my surroundings and alternating between my “on” and “off “ switches, that’s for sure!

And, this year (because I’ve grown up with a Chef and am very good at following the kitchen counter rules) I was allowed to (briefly) supervise the holiday baking. This Christmas was especially about making memories, and my memory-making with Chef is the most special of all. But, there was plenty of time, too, for naps… relaxing Kongs… and low-key meandering… so, my batteries are fully recharged!

Well, guys, a big New Year is about to begin – and I think we’re ready! More than anything, I want to thank you all for checking in on me throughout 2023. It makes such a difference knowing you are there. I promise to let you know what the New Year brings. Until then, keep practicing those “on” and “off” switches!

Submitted by: Mikal