Hi, Everyone!

Well, no Late Winter hibernating for me! February was a busy month full of parties, play & practice.

So much of the fun was courtesy of our Cohort Trainer, Chelsea. She’s magnificent! First, she organized an Off-Leash Trail Adventure, especially for us teenagers. My brother Reef was there as well as my classmates Morena & Raekin – plus Advanced PADS Thorin. That’s us, all lined up for our commemorative photo!

Next, Chelsea planned a special Valentine’s Art Party for us. We all created festive pink paintings using our touch, chin, target & sit cues. Chelsea really knows how to make practicing colourful! Then, I went home & used my touch cue to close the kitchen cabinets by nose-bumping the knobs. And I used my chin cue to do all sorts of things like rest my head on laps and do grooming tasks, such as teeth brushing, and mock eye & ear exams – that’s Art in Action PADS style!

Also, this month, I played off-leash a lot on the nearby tennis courts. I’m really into retrieving placed objects, and the courts give me tons of ground to cover. They’re also the perfect place to practice responding to cues and holding durations at long distances. Plus, I worked on fitness & heel work while trotting along at a rapid pace. Hmmm, maybe, I should try playing actual tennis?

As always, I’ve been out & about focusing on my “do nothing” durations. The library is a great venue for practicing chill guy skills. Plus, I get a chance to catch up on my reading! At home, we’ve been double-checking my tethering manners and (so nifty!) shaping my side work (sit, down, stand) on left & right while my Raiser sits on carpets, stools & chairs. One day, she’ll sit on an elephant and, then, what will I do?

Thanks so much for checking in on me! Please, come again because the best is yet to come. Next week, I’m spending a few days with Super Sitter Fiona & another PADS pup!! What a blast! And I might even get to meet my Dad, Cleat! Plus, I MUST get to the barn to visit Don Quixote the Donkey! I’ll give you all the highlights next time. Until then, put your Art in Action!

Submitted by: Mikal