Hi, Everyone!

Sure hope you’ve had a great start to 2024! 

As for me, I began the year in post-op recovery mode. Who knew there would be so many perks? For starters, I got to visit some very interesting places, meet lots of super caring people and rack up a ton of body-handling experience. Plus, recovery calls for snazzy outfits and goofy headgear, which I really didn’t mind at all. But, by far, the best part of recovery mode was all the TLC! I turned into a cuddle sponge. It was magnificent! 

The downside of recovery was that I had to curb my enthusiasm EXACTLY when the Big Snow came! So, I wasn’t allowed to launch into my Super Snow Zoom. That was disappointing. But everything turned out fine in the end, because I did get to sit in a beautiful Snow Fort that the kids built in the park.

As you can see from my blurry photo, I’ve bounced back and am up to full speed once again. In my case, a blurry photo means fun is definitely being had! Also, I’ve been out & about practicing my PADS skills at Safeway, Home Depot, London Drugs and Tsawwassen Mills. And, woohoo, my forest adventures in the Bog and Pacific Spirit Park are back on track. So, a big thank you to all the people at Douglas College, Burquitlam Vet Clinic and PADS Medical who took such good care of me!

And thank YOU, too, for checking up on me. I didn’t get a chance this month to get down to the barn and visit Don Quixote (the rescue donkey), so, that’s high on my list for February. I’ll tell you all about it next time. Until then, be a cuddle sponge. And take a blurry photo!

Submitted by: Mikal