Hi, Everyone! Happy Spring!
I don’t know about you, but I’m throwing off my winter coat with a vengeance over here. Due to a bit more fur lofting about, Spring Cleaning has kicked into high gear. There’s even more vacuuming and blanket flapping going on around here than usual – which creates tons of “distraction” to navigate. I’m learning about Spring Clean-Up in the garden, too, and all the great tools and activities that involves. Apparently, I’m supposed to serve in a supervisory role, but participating looks far more fun.
On St. Patrick’s Day, I turned 8 months old and wore a shamrock bowtie to celebrate. I continue to work on my disengagement skills at home and in the world. Also, I’m building my durations in different positions while my Raiser disappears around corners. This calls for smarts on both our parts.
With the weather so nice, I’ve been spending lots of time at the beach, practicing “recalls,” noodling in tide pools, balancing on logs and strolling unflustered past the hordes of beach bunnies that sprint across the path (which hardly seems fair.) Also, my brother Reef told me about a great place in our neighbourhood with huge fenced-in fields and a playground that is perfect for sniffing, noodling & “recalls” – I’ve been having great fun there!
O, and I attended an excellent PADS event – The Pacific Dental Conference at the Vancouver Convention Centre! I’m used to crowded places, but, wow, this took things up a notch. Everyone was so friendly and interested – they loved the PADS Puppies and really wanted to meet us up close. One of my sisters came, and I met PADS Diego, who is quite magnificent. I shared my beach towel and a few kibbles with him. We parked far away at my Raiser’s office, so, I also got to walk through Gastown for the first time. What a day! I fell asleep with a squished face on the ride home.
Recently, I’ve overheard people talking about my “adolescence.” I have no idea what that’s all about. Maybe it has something to do with me looking over my shoulder at other dogs these days (when I used to not.) Or, maybe with ah, my recent, misadventure involving a dryer ball, a sprint down the hallway and a leap onto the people’s bed (which I think was one of my finer moments – others disagree.) If I find out more about “adolescence” by my next Pupdate, I’ll fill you in.
Thank you so much for checking up on me. Play with a dryer ball whenever you get the chance!
Submitted by: Mikai