Well, I finally lost my two baby fang/daggers at the start of the month! People are overjoyed, as no more accidental “puncturing” but now it’s fun to give little love pinches with my front adult teeth!

I keep growing like a weed, a good weed, and my legs are getting so long that now I try to sit like a human in the backseat of vehicles. I’m well over 65 lbs now too.

I went on a few fall outings in the mountains and saw lots of cows, and refrained from further investigation of the fresh pies!

I tried to get into the Halloween spirit by trying on some hats and wigs but there had to be kibble involved.

I had tons of fun with Aunty and Unky and learned lots while my people were away for a month, but I was very excited when they got home again. I managed to get to puppy class and go nose to nose with a cute wee puppy.

Unfortunately, Mom and Dad got COVID on their flight home so I’ve been busy practicing my therapy dog skills for the last two weeks. They say I’m VERY good at chilling out and relaxing next to them while they lay around. Luckily, I had people to take me for walks while they were down for the count.

Now I can’t wait for my first snowfall!

Submitted by: Kristen and Barb