February – Ooo boy, February had some REALLY cold days and some really FUN days. Due to the cold, we didn’t go out on any adventures, although I was sure to get out for my walks and training. I’m learning to walk real nice with my people, even if other dogs are around. I’m learning about this thing called “patience”… I thought that meant they were going to take me to the vet! But actually, it just means that I need to relax and be calm even in the presence of my favourite things (people and dogs!)
I also got to meet horses, calves and I even met a funny thing called a porcupine, but I wasn’t allowed to get close to it! I didn’t mind though, I just like to look and keep going on my walk, one of my favourite things to do!! Especially if my people are on these long skinny things they call skis – that’s lots of fun ’cause I get to run really fast!
Submitted by: Shannon