Vista moved out of the city in September to accommodate his previous raisers’ return to work. Initially, he missed his person and all his dog buddies but has been settling into small-town life. Nothing like meeting a bunch of new dog buddies to help with the transition!
Vista is a wonderfully calm dog, so easy to live with. How calm you ask? Well…. Vista was ready for a walk, so I opened the front door, surprising the deer who was eating my geraniums three feet away. The doe jumped and ran about ten feet, then turned around to look at us. Vista simply watched the deer and then looked at me as if to say, ” Well, did you ever see such a thing!”
Vista has been enjoying hiking and swimming. He even got his first invitation to a dog birthday party. Yup, you guessed it. He was the only dog to keep his hat on for photos. He has visited some of the local non-canine pets and practised walking on all sorts of surfaces. He likes to do different activities each day, especially if one is playing with Louie, the labradoodle.
Submitted by: Kathy