Hi everybody! This month was exciting as there were a couple of fun things that happened. My raiser went out of town for almost two weeks so I spent it with a lovely sitter. With my sitter, I experienced snow for the first time and I enjoyed it so much!
On top of this, my first birthday happened this month! I turned 1 year old finally. I got to celebrate with my campus canine friends by having a fun playdate and this is where I first got to meet baby PADS Casper! I’m getting better at being more gentle in my interactions with small puppies. Sometimes they are so cute and I get so excited I just want to say hi and play!
I also got to help with club day by working at the booth at UBC. Other than that, I’ve been having lots of fun with my campus canine friends by going to events with them and trail walks!
Towards the end of the month, I got to meet another puppy, PADS Calvin. I was super good with him and tried my best to play gently. I love meeting puppies as they make me so happy, and that is a wrap of January for me!
Submitted by: Melissa, Puppy Raiser
Bonus Pupdate:
Wrigley had some adventures recently. He visited a school, rode a bus, cheered at a hockey game, and even met some guests in our home.
Wrigley is a very good boy. He’s very sweet and polite, and he settles in better than any dog I’ve ever taken care of.
Submitted by: Zoe, PADS Puppy-in-Training Sitter