Hi guys! I’ve been having lots of fun with my raiser and this past month I went to a beach for the first time ever!

I’m learning not to pull so much on my walks and I think I’m starting to get the hang of it. I’m also not eating as much stuff off of the ground as before, I think my raiser is proud.

I’m just a curious pup about everything in this world. I am also getting bigger to the point where I got a new kennel. When my raiser is working, I have gnarly dreams about running with other puppies. My raiser tells me I snore really loudly and bark and twitch in my sleep, but I don’t believe her because I’m the best. I love bonding with my raiser and I think we have a good connection. I can’t wait for more dogs to play with in the future. And of course, I say that while I’m not in my cape! 🙂

 Submitted by: Melissa