Zion is still working hard keeping her humans happy during the pandemic. She often has visits with her 96 year old Nona who walks with a walker and lives in her own apartment. Zion gets to practice elevator skills, being very polite and gentle around Nona, and tries hard not to sample candies that Nona leaves lying around everywhere. She walks next to the walker and likes this a lot.
Zion has been to New Brighton dog park where she got to run around all by herself. Whoot! She also got to go to the beach lots and saw giant jellyfish. She was happy to smell all the great smells. She’s getting out a bit more lately. She’s gone to the library, to the giant grocery store, and to the pet store. Now that IKEA makes humans wear masks, that will be the next outing!
Zion now likes to ride in the car after not liking it at all. Eating all of her meals in the car turned things around. She is also a big fan of tv and loves animal documentaries as long as they don’t have sharks or dinosaurs.
One good thing this month is that Zion has gotten to meet some dogs and is learning her good manners at meet and greets. She’s learning that a calm approach works best rather than jumping in with all four feet.
Generally, life is pretty good for this pup. She loves being in the yard and on the porch where she can keep a close eye on the cat next door. Recently, she got in a bit of trouble for helping pick apples off the tree…
Lots of love to you all from Zion.
Submitted by: Anne Vulliamy