COVID-19 was a quiet time for Zion and then she had some growing pains which also led to even quieter times at home!  She’s coped with being a bored teenager quite well and has scored many more toys and treats to maintain some calm, plus has been playing quiet games such as bobbing for apples.  Quiet walks in the neighbourhood have also made her a very good “loose-leash walker”.  She is a super cuddler and thinks she’s a tiny lap dog. 

She’s now healthy and feeling good and is a very sweet girl who likes to work and make us laugh.  She’s back to her exuberant self and flies around the yard and the park and is very keen to train like a champ. 

She loves to tug and “trade” – her new super-skill.  She’s learning to jump on her bed when the doorbell rings.  Her eye contact is amazing.  Her only bad habit is eating puzzle pieces, but we’re working on that (see photo)!

Submitted By: Anne Vulliamy