February, February, what can I say…

We went to massage for one or two days – and then to a place with tables the same, they call it, β€œPT” and it was not a shame; because Chuck, she did smile even though she was pained when the physio put in the needles with aim.

Then there is the place where Chuck puts on a helmet and then it knock, knocks (+knock knock knock knock) like *’food noise’ from a *’mucket’.

(* both are β€œthings” look it up)

And then we do settle and sit in a chair and watch the TV while they stick stuff on her hair. Her neurons get managed – so I am told – but really it’s me that keeps Chuck on her road.

My best buddy is Ryder – he drags me about and I just relax, β€˜cause I know he’s no lout.

He’ll never hurt me because I am rubber so flexible am I – just sitting there like a *lubber ( *it’s a thing too)

The snow was a blast and here you can see the first time I saw it and thought; what could that be!?!

It was really fun that white stuff all over… Someone made a house of it, and we all went over… and out.

Ok – March it doth come…

And I can’t wait!

Submitted by:Β Charly Flesher