They call me ‘cutie pie”. My whelping home person, mother Ruth, says I’m her favourite of the ten of us, and ‘sweet Zoe, just a real sweet one’.

All this sugar …but not a bit of it to eat! Doesn’t matter, kibble is my favourite flavour in the world! I stick my nose right in Chuck’s hand and snarfle – snarfle – snarfle – snar—- (ran out). SO good. And when it’s in a bowl, I plaster my snout to the bottom, smush it around and hoover – a kibble shooter – unbelievable. I highly recommend it.

In my off-eating time, I sit, stay, recall, go up/down all sorts of stairs, including open ones, perch, jump up and off, jump in and out of the truck and I give Chuck my …paw …about 4 seconds after she asks; I stare at her and put my head sideways because then my brains go to where they need to in my head to accept I have NO CLUE why she wants it, but I’ll give it to her anyways. She thinks it helps when she tilts her head the opposite way. It doesn’t, but I think it’s funny.

She says I have a poker face – that I had Botox because I look right in her eyes with my dopey face, with the upside-down W over my eyes. And when I finally interpret what she is saying, – I have no tell- nothing that shows my brain has connected, that something dawned on me.

She only asks for my paw once now, she knows I’m working it out.

I’m only 11+ weeks old, but I’ve been around you know; Tim Hortons, Starbucks, London Drugs, Costco (Chuck carried me) – Ryder’s high school band concert, the doctor’s office and Ryder’s swimming lessons.

Sometimes, I’m bored, and Chuck will not do something fun, and even though I just did “better go now” 8 minutes ago, I look right into her eyes and pee on the carpet at the same time. It’s just a wee bit of pee because I didn’t really have to go. It’s called a “spite pee”. All told though, House BReaking for Z(symbol for atomic #)oe is not going too BAd.

If spite pee does not get a rise, I stick my tongue out at them. It’s really funny.

About 4 seconds after Chuck calls me (after I’ve sat and stayed myself), I run to her with a quarter smile – “Not like MAA-RAA, SHE has a huge smile ‘Mara this, Mara that’. I’ve NOT had any Botox work done and when I saw Mara through the crate door, I can say she had jowls – HELLO ?! PADS MED – referral to a cosmetic vet for Mara 2 ?!?! I met her looking into my crate, doing play bow with her front legs on either side. There wasn’t much I could do. She looked in my crate like she was watching TV. Then she said, “This is boring, nice meeting you.”, and she left.

I’m so glad I met her in the fur b/c I’d only smelled her til then, (think she did spite pee too). I met her again, and she played with me like her own mom did her. She is about to set off on a great adventure for her lifetime. Chuck told me Mara is referred to as ‘a lot of dog’, that she lives life LARGE – and it’s about to get even LARGER – she’s done her tour with PADS and she’s done very well, having won the admiration and hearts of many everywhere she’s been, and taught Chuck, Ryder and Perry so much in prep for building moi. She lives SO LARGE and PADS is about to find her the perfect place for her to live XXL.

I have a big crate to fill that’s for sure.

I follow Chuck everywhere, and she is always so happy to see me because I surprise her – she calls to me: “Zoe-Zoe-puppy puppy puppy” … I think she thinks I’m deaf because I’m always sitting right by her feet
looking straight up at her- she just keeps on “ puppy…puppy…puppy…zoe…puppy…and when she turns around to look for me she still doesn’t see me because I’m so close to the back of her heels and the same colour as the floor.

Also, I’m always close and so I “don’t have my own mind like Mara”. If I don’t have my own mind, who does? And whose do I have? Paws for thought …maybe MARA knows …she knows everything.

She “kissed” (as humans call it) me when I saw her again …I think Mara’s magic conducted to me …I’m paying attention now.

I DO have something Mara does not – I have a “move” like a daub except with my bum. It’s called the “lazy sit” …it’s a thing. I do lazy sit when I don’t have to pee (or the other). I’m not sitting, staying, tripping Chuck up etc. and I’m just waiting for Chuck to get around to telling me something to do …and I wait, wait, wait, wait some more, and I watch – stare at her…always – every step she takes I’m right there under it. I am a puppy-people- stalker, lazy sitter, gobble-er-upper, adorable-erest.


Submitted by: Charly Flesher