PUPPY-sitter REPORT Puppy-Raising: Sitter Report Step 1 of 6 - About You & Your Puppy 16% About You & The Puppy/DogPuppy-Sitter Name* FIRST NAME LAST NAME Puppy-Sitter Email* Puppy-Raiser Name* FIRST NAME LAST NAME Puppy-Raiser Email* Are you submitting a sitting report for:* Specific Date Range Monthly (Regular sitting Arrangement) What date did you start sitting the puppy/dog?* DD dot MM dot YYYY What date did you finish sitting the puppy/dog?* DD dot MM dot YYYY How many days this month did you spend with this puppy-in-trainingPlease enter a number from 1 to 31.Dog Name*Region*Please SelectAB - CalgaryBC - Lower MainlandBC - OkanaganOut of TownPuppy-Class Level*Please SelectPuppy KindergartenBeginnerIntermediate Nutrition & HealthWas the puppy unwell at all while in your care?*YesNoPlease describe (nature of illness/injury and actions taken) The Puppy's Attitude Towards Working & PeopleFor each scaled question please rate the puppy/dog on a scale of 1 to 5. 1 = Almost Always / Excellent 5 = Almost Never / Not Yet AbleWhere did you socialize the puppy/dog while in your care?*Please note any unusual reactionsThe puppy/dog is easy to teach at puppy class:* 1 - Almost Always 2 3 - Sometimes 4 5 - Almost Never Not observed/applicable The puppy/dog is easy to teach and is eager to learn when off leash:* 1 - Almost Always 2 3 - Sometimes 4 5 - Almost Never Not observed/applicable When I take the puppy/dog in public (i.e. puppy class, outings) I usually need to bring* High Value Treats (Cheese, Rollover, Liver, etc) Moderate Value (novel low value such as milk bones or other kinds of kibble) Low Value (my dog's regular kibble) When I take the puppy/dog to a high distraction area such as a busy off leash park I usually need to bring* High Value Treats (Cheese, Rollover, Liver, etc) Moderate Value (novel low value such as milk bones or other kinds of kibble) Low Value (my dog's regular kibble) No Treats The puppy/dog actively seeks attention from me and other people*In low distraction area - i.e. at home or quiet area at work. 1 - Almost Always 2 3 - Sometimes 4 5 - Almost Never Not observed/applicable The puppy/dog actively seeks attention from me and other people:*In high distraction area i.e. at puppy class or in busy crowd 1 - Almost Always 2 3 - Sometimes 4 5 - Almost Never Not observed/applicable I often have to manage/redirect the puppy/dog with food when I'm out in public:* 1 - Almost Always 2 3 - Sometimes 4 5 - Almost Never Not observed/applicable The dog is easy to handle with tasks that require restraint:*For example bathing, nail trimming, teeth brushing/mouth exams. 1 - Almost Always 2 3 - Sometimes 4 5 - Almost Never Not observed/applicable Please describe*For example, does your dog show signs of stress (panting, lip licking, etc), squirm, struggle, growl or snap? Are there specific restraint exercises that are better/worse?The puppy/dog takes treats nicely/gently from my hand:*In low distraction area - i.e. at home or quiet area at work 1 - Almost Always 2 3 - Sometimes 4 5 - Almost Never Not observed/applicable The puppy/dog takes treats nicely/gently from my hand:*In high distraction area i.e. at puppy class or in busy crowd 1 - Almost Always 2 3 - Sometimes 4 5 - Almost Never Not observed/applicable The puppy/dog walks nicely on leash*Walks in position with no pulling or lunging at distractions 1 - Almost Always 2 3 - Sometimes 4 5 - Almost Never Not observed/applicable The Puppy's Attitude Towards Their EnvironmentFor each question please rate your dog on a scale of 1 to 5. 1 = Almost Always / Excellent 5 = Almost Never / Not Yet AbleThe puppy/dog readily walks on different surfaces such as grates, open stairs, gravel, etc*In high distraction area i.e. at puppy class or in busy crowd 1 - Almost Always 2 3 - Sometimes 4 5 - Almost Never Not observed/applicable Please describe*Type of surface your dog is reluctant to walk overThe puppy/dog readily toilets on command, on leash, on various surfaces*For example concrete, gravel, grates, grass 1 - Almost Always 2 3 - Sometimes 4 5 - Almost Never Not observed/applicable The puppy/dog walks nicely through doorways*On leash (i.e. doesn't push ahead of you, hit end of leash, etc) 1 - Almost Always 2 3 - Sometimes 4 5 - Almost Never Not observed/applicable The puppy/dog walks nicely through doorways*Off leash (i.e. doesn't rush, push through, take off) 1 - Almost Always 2 3 - Sometimes 4 5 - Almost Never Not observed/applicable The puppy/dog has encountered situations that left them showing signs of stress:*For example kids roughhousing, someone stepping on their toes, crowds, loud noises.YesNoPlease describe*Both the situation and stress reaction. How long did it take your dog to recover?I've noticed that the puppy/dog dislikes certain situations or day-to-day scenarios*i.e. Riding the bus, walking in traffic, etcYesNoPlease describe the scenario/situation*The puppy/dog has barked or whined while in my care:*YesNoPlease describe the scenario/situation & frequency of occurence*i.e. at home: at me, in kennel, at the door, unseen noises, another animal in the house (describe), during play (with people/other pets) Away from home: At another dog, person (please describe), objects, me, for attention The puppy/dog has been reluctant to enter a building, room of your house, doorway, or vehicle*YesNoPlease describe the scenario/situation & frequency of occurence*The puppy/dog has been involved in an altercation with another dog while in my care:*YesNoPlease describe the scenario/situation*The puppy/dog has growled, snapped, bitten or otherwise tried to protect their food, toys or humans from other people or animals while in my care:*YesNoPlease describe the scenario/situation/frequency*The puppy/dog has tried to chase a small animal or other moving things while in my care*i.e. cat, birds, squirrels, rabbits, leaves, etcYesNoPlease describe the scenario/situation/frequency*The puppy/dog has been reluctant to squeeze through a tight space, put on their cape/collar or harness, or go into their kennel when asked*YesNoPlease describe the scenario/situation/frequency* The Puppy's Manners & BehaviourFor each question please rate the puppy/dog on a scale of 1 to 5. 1 = Almost Always / Excellent 5 = Almost Never / Not Yet AbleThe puppy/dog has a lovely "off switch" at home*Their ability to relax and disengage 1 - Almost Always 2 3 - Sometimes 4 5 - Almost Never Not observed/applicable The puppy/dog has a lovely "off switch" in public*Their ability to relax and disengage 1 - Almost Always 2 3 - Sometimes 4 5 - Almost Never Not observed/applicable The puppy/dog has a lovely "off switch" around other pets*Their ability to relax and disengage 1 - Almost Always 2 3 - Sometimes 4 5 - Almost Never Not observed/applicable The puppy/dog has a lovely "off switch" at work/school*Their ability to relax and disengage 1 - Almost Always 2 3 - Sometimes 4 5 - Almost Never Not observed/applicable If 4 or 5 on any of the previous questions, please describe:*The puppy/dog is relaxed and happy in their kennel* 1 - Almost Always 2 3 - Sometimes 4 5 - Almost Never Not observed/applicable The puppy/dog sits nicely for mealtime protocol* 1 - Almost Always 2 3 - Sometimes 4 5 - Almost Never Not observed/applicable The puppy/dog has had a toileting accident while in my care* Yes No The puppy/dog has eaten inappropriate items while in my care*For example: Rocks, sticks, socks, items off counter or from garbage cans, their leash, etc Yes No Please describe item/situation/frequency:*The puppy/dog has eaten poop while in my care* Yes No Would you like a member of the training staff to contact you about anything in this report?*YesNoWhat specifically would you like a training instructor to contact you about?*Confidential Message to Puppy-Raising StaffIf there is any information you would like to share privately about this puppy to help support their success in the program, you may do so here. The contents of this field are not included on the raiser copy of the email. Pupdate (OPTIONAL)If you have sat this dog for more than two weeks, and have not already submitted a pupdate for this month, please write a short pupdate here, which will be published to the dog's puppy profile to update their sponsor and other volunteers on their adventures while they were with you.Upload PhotosPlease upload at least one photo (more are wonderful!) of the pup's activities this month. Due to web restrictions we can only allow a max of 5 per submission (or up to 50MB total). If you have more feel free to email them to pupdates@pads.ca with the month and the pup's name in the subject line.Max. file size: 16 MB.FileMax. file size: 16 MB.FileMax. file size: 16 MB.FileMax. file size: 16 MB.FileMax. file size: 16 MB.CAPTCHA