Sometimes in this life we meet one of the “great ones” — this week our community has been hit hard with losses, but this one has left us breathless. For those of you that don’t recognize him, this is our client, ambassador, friend, champion, donor, cheerleader and force to be reckoned with Verne and his faithful PADS Bracing Dog Charlie.
Verne came to PADS later in life, after an accident robbed him of his independence. Charlie gave that back to him…and the two of them changed us forever.
If you want to know who they were to us we need to tell you a few stories…
When Charlie passed a few years ago, Verne made a special visit to PADS from Calgary to deliver a donation in an odd amount $3650…with a note attached: “The donation represents the sum of $1 per day, small change for ten years of loyal, unfaltering and often very uncomfortable duty. Charlie never hesitated, balked or showed distaste for his job. Off duty at he was always warm affectionate and ever at my side.”
This year, if you attended grad, you witnessed a standing ovation for this man…after a video honouring his influence. Virtually every member of the PADS Calgary family helped in recording a video declaring “I’m here because of Verne”…each of them had come to PADS as a direct result of his influence – talking to anyone and everyone he met about the work we do, and convincing them that they too should join us.
Verne, you were a gentleman and a friend in every sense of these words… thank you!