Total Pet = Totally Awesome
Early this year we received an email from Erin at Vernon’s Total Pet store. She wanted to know if we would like to be their charity of choice for the stores annual charity fundraiser. Little did we know when we agreed to partner up with them, that they would produce such amazing results.
Over the course of the month of April, Total Pet – Vernon, raised an astonishing $12,875.00 for PADS.
Today was the presentation of the check by Erin and her Total Pet crew, Brian (Okanagan Coordinator) along with an 8 week old puppy, the latest arrival at PADS Okanagan. As a result of their fundraising effort, the store received the honor of naming this little guy today – his name is ARIES – a Yellow Lab that will be off to his Okanagan puppy raiser on Wednesday to start his journey to service.
Thank you to Erin and her crew, Total Pet, and each and every person who donated at the till, bid on a silent auction item, brought in bottles during the bottle drive or made a purchase at the bake sale. With your support we will continue to change lives, one dog at a time.