
Volunteer Feedback

Please feel free to provide feedback, ask questions, give kudos or make suggestions to the PADS leadership.
  • Tell us where we're doing well &/or what things you appreciate about the current state of PADS.
  • Running a program for a wide variety of individuals and needs is always challenging, so we welcome any feedback you can offer that will let us know where we've fallen short of your expectations.
  • Do you have suggestions how we can address any of the challenges you identified above (if applicable) to improve or do better?
  • Please check all that apply - note that the more limited your response is here the less we will be able to affect change. Please be assured that all feedback will be handled respectfully and with discretion.
  • Contact Info

    This information is optional, however, we believe in the power of dialogue for resolving challenges - please rest assured your submission and name will be held in confidence unless you give us permission to share it.