Volunteer Survey Step 1 of 8 12% About You & Your HouseholdPlease note these demographic questions are optional, but your responses help us to use the PADS marketing budget more effectively to target individuals similar to our existing volunteers (i.e. that would be likely to volunteer). Gender Male Female Age Under 12 12-18 18-24 25-44 45-64 65-74 75+ Combined household income < $30K $30K-$49K $50K-$69K $70K-$100K >$100K Check all that apply to your household Children (under 5) Children (6-12) Children (13-18) Adults (19-64) Seniors (65+) Which best describes your household? Live alone Couple Roomates Family Multi-Generational Family How many people usually live in your immediate household?12345678910+ Your Involvement With PADSWhich region are you most involved with* Calgary, AB Edmonton, AB Lower Mainland, BC Okanagan, BC Vancouver Island, BC Getting involved with PADSWhen did you FIRST get involved with PADS?* Within the last 12 months Within the last 2 years 3-5 years ago 6-9 years ago 10 (or more) years ago Onboarding ExperienceHow did you first make contact with PADS when you decided to volunteer? Online application Social media Phone In person Other Please rate the speed of the response you received after you made contact to volunteer:Poor = Did not receive a response Excellent = Received a response within 2 business daysSpeed of ResponseIf you selected a score of 3 or less on the question above, please give us more information so we can improve (how long it took, how many attempts were made).Please rate the quality of the information you received prior to attending volunteer orientation:Quality of InformationIf you selected a score of 3 or less on the question above, please give us more information so we can improve.Did you attend a volunteer info session? Yes No Can't Remember Please rate the information sessionQuality of information that was presented and distributedInformation SessionIf you selected a score of 3 or less on the question above, please give us more information so we can improve. What first motivated you to become involved with PADS?Wanting to give back* Did not influence Somewhat influenced Strongly influenced Love of dogs* Did not influence Somewhat influenced Strongly influenced Personal connection to a PADS client* Did not influence Somewhat influenced Strongly influenced Personal connection to a PADS Volunteer* Did not influence Somewhat influenced Strongly influenced Personal connection to a PADS Staff Member* Did not influence Somewhat influenced Strongly influenced Can't have my own dog* Did not influence Somewhat influenced Strongly influenced Wanting to volunteer as a family* Did not influence Somewhat influenced Strongly influenced Close to home* Did not influence Somewhat influenced Strongly influenced Good fit for my experience and skills* Did not influence Somewhat influenced Strongly influenced Wanting to gain more experience training dogs* Did not influence Somewhat influenced Strongly influenced Wanting to gain more professional experience* Did not influence Somewhat influenced Strongly influenced Good fit for my schedule* Did not influence Somewhat influenced Strongly influenced Were there other factors that influenced your decision to become involved?What volunteer roles have you done at PADS?* Puppy-raising Puppy-sitting Advanced Sitter Puppy-cuddling (This program now cancelled) Advanced Training (Kennels, Training, Field Trips, etc) Breeder Caretaker/Whelping Home Presentation Team Campus Maintenance/Gardening/etc Office Volunteer (events, fundraising, communications/pupdates, administrative, technical, etc) Board of Directors Other Are you currently volunteering with PADS?* Yes No PADS StaffIn your time at PADS please rate how you have found the PADS staff in your interactions with them.KnowledgeableResponsiveApproachableProfessionalIf you scored any of the questions above 3 or less, please tell us briefly why so we can improve: Volunteer FeedbackHow would you rate the preparation you received in your role at PADS?0=N/A, 1=Poor, 5=Excellent Handouts, training, etc.How would you rate the ongoing support you did receive/are receiving in your role at PADS?0=N/A, 1=Poor, 5=Excellent Personal support, training, etc.What additional support could PADS provide to assist with your volunteer role?How appreciated do you currently feel by the PADS Staff you interact with most regularly?1 being “completely unappreciated” and 10 being “embarrassingly over-appreciated” Reorder these forms of Volunteer Appreciation from most to least meaningful to you.Receiving PADS Swag (t-shirt, water bottle, tote bag, etc.) – either as a gift, or at a reduced price from an online store.A hand-written thank you card from a PADS staff member who knows youLarge-Scale In-person Events (50+ people, or everyone in your Region)Small Scale In-Person Events (10-50 people)Milestone Recognition (i.e. badges or pins that recognise years of service or dogs raised)Opportunities to Interact Socially with PADS Clients (online or in-person)Professional Photos of you and a PADS dogDo you have any other comments regarding Volunteer Appreciation at PADS?How likely are you to:Continue volunteering with PADSRecommend PADS as an organization to volunteer with:Recommend PADS as an organization to support financially:If you scored any of the questions above 3 or less, please tell us briefly why so we can improve: Previous Volunteer FeedbackWhen did you last volunteer for PADS? Within the last 12 months 1-2 years ago 3-5 years ago 5+ years ago How likely are you to:Return to PADS as a volunteer in the future:Recommend PADS as an organization to volunteer with:Recommend PADS as an organization to support financially:If you scored any of the questions above 3 or less, please tell us briefly why so we can improve:Can you tell us why you are no longer volunteering with PADS?* Too much commitment (Time) Too much commitment (Money) Lifestyle change (work/living situation change) Moved Other If "Other" tell us briefly why: Puppy-Raising & Sitter FeedbackAre you CURRENTLY raising (or co-raising) or actively sitting?* Yes No How would you rate the in person preparation you received (prior to assuming care of a PADS pup)?0=N/A, 1=Poor, 5=Excellent This includes observation puppy-classes, clicker class, home interview, puppy-raiser orientation?How would you rate the materials you received (prior to caring for a PADS Puppy)?0=N/A, 1=Poor, 5=Excellent Handouts, orientation package, puppy-raising manual, online, emails, etcHow would you rate the group TRAINING you received/are currently receiving?0=N/A, 1=Poor, 5=Excellent Puppy Classes, Field Trips, etcHow would you rate the individual TRAINING you received/are currently receiving? (if applicable)0=N/A, 1=Poor, 5=Excellent This includes requested one-on-ones and scheduled walk & talks (if applicable).How would you rate the PERSONAL SUPPORT you received/are receiving from STAFF?0=N/A, 1=Poor, 5=Excellent This includes direct contact/support (i.e. phone calls, emails, etc)How would you rate the PERSONAL SUPPORT you received/are receiving from OTHER VOLUNTEERS?0=N/A, 1=Poor, 5=Excellent This includes other volunteers, mentors, etc.FEEDBACKIf you answered any of the previous question with 3 or less, please tell us why so we can improve. Final ThoughtsIf you have any further thoughts you'd like to provide, feel free to do so here.Do you wish to be contacted regarding any of your responses? Yes No Name (OPTIONAL) First Last Email (OPTIONAL) Phone (OPTIONAL)CAPTCHA