Rocky July 2015 IMG_4633 smlWhat a fabulous summer!  Well, except for that part where I had a little “surgery”.  Thank goodness we were done with the hockey arenas of the winter and baseball/track fields of the spring.  It was time to spend some quality time at my kind of park- the DOG PARK- visiting with my peeps!  It was fun and exhausting!

Rocky July 2015 IMG_4694 smlOne day this summer I had to go to the doggie wash.  I had my second bath ever.  Apparently I rolled in something and was stinky.  I was tired of hearing how bad I smelled and not getting any love so I stuck it out even though I really did not like that doggie wash at all.  Look how ridiculous I look in this picture!

I went to the movie theatre a few times as well.  Seems like that would be a fun activity, right?  Do you know how difficult it is to fall asleep with the sweet smell of salty popcorn wafting through the air and dropping like snow on the floor all around you?  Can you believe they expect me not to try to sneak a few measly pieces of popcorn?

See you next month!



Submitted by our marvelous PADS Puppy-in-Training, Rocky, and his dedicated PADS Volunteer Puppy Raiser (and human mom), Tracy Beaton.