
Zumba-2014-12-1Happy New Year everybody! Here I am with my Christmas stocking and my little buddy who looks like a dog but doesn’t smell like a dog. He does however bark. In fact, he barks out a bunch of Christmas carols. Every morning I went over and knocked him over to see if he would come to life and play with me, but all he does is bark Christmas carols.

As I was such a good dog last year Santa brought me some new toys and some delicious treats – freeze dried sardines, chicken hearts and lamb lung (yum). I had a really good time because some of my favourite people came to visit us and my mum’s little grandkids came several times and crawled all over me. They took my toys and played with them which was fine with me, but eventually I had to follow one of them around until a good opportunity came up to gently take back my favourite nylabone so I could go have a good chew.

New Year’s Eve was really fun, as some of my favourite friends came over to bring in the New Year with us. I was a good boy and didn’t touch all the delectable people food that was on the coffee table. At midnight, my people and I went outside and made a frightful clatter banging pots and pans – you probably heard us. It was really fun – I ran back and forth between them but didn’t jump up at all.

Zumba-2014-12-2A few days ago I went to the hospital to visit an elderly lady who soon gets to cross the Rainbow Bridge. She was very happy to see me, and I was happy to offer her some comfort by resting my head on her hand for a while. I wanted very badly to go comfort her roommate also, but Mum wouldn’t let me. She did let me visit with another old lady that the nurses brought to see me. Mum had to gown and glove up so she gowned me up also. Lots of nurses and doctors came to admire my gown and take lots of photos which they sent all over the place.

Well, I wish you a very happy New Year with lots of yummy treats and fun walks.


Submitted by our awesome PADS puppy-in-training, Zumba, and his fantastic PADS Volunteer Puppy Raiser, Nola Chanroux.