Watson-2014-12-1The month of December was challenging and very busy.

There were visions of β€œsugar-plums” and stockings hung by the chimney with care.
The children were nestled all snug in their beds and I sprang to the window to see what was there….
The ground was covered with fluffy white snow awaiting my steps.
It was quite exciting to feel the snow under my paws and I couldn’t keep enough of it off my snout.
I got to sniff lots of new smells from gingerbread snaps to shortbread cookies and on Christmas morning there was a special box just for me with handmade doggy biscuits!

It seemed like I was always in the midst of a crowd from shopping malls, to school concerts to people coming over to drop off gifts.

It was nice once everything settled back to normal, I enjoyed a leisurely walk around the planetarium and the Granville Island boardwalk.

Cheers … until next month.

Submitted by our fantastic PADS Volunteer Puppy Raisers, Maria & Rob Piccolo.

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