Zumba Sept 2015 DSCN1972 smlHere I am with my Dad and two of my Mum and Dad’s little grandsons.Β  Note Marshall is wearing one of Sue’s wonderful hats that Mum bought him at PADS Grad.

September was a big month for us.Β  Not only was it PADS Christmas in September (Grad), but I was turned in [for Advanced Training] at the beginning of September.Β  It is a blast living in the kennel and being able to play with all the other advanced dogs.Β  When the weekends arrive, I’m pooped out but very happy to have some family time and cuddles with Mum. Β Β Well, cheerio until next month.

Submitted by our wonderful PADS Advanced Dog, Zumba, and his remarkable PADS Volunteer Puppy Raisers & Advanced Sitters, Nola & Frank Chanroux.