
Toileting accident was my fault. Mai and Beckett (other dogs) were here, and Q and I woke up in the afternoon (we were newly on the night shift). I was groggy and she got to playing right away. I was too late in taking her out. She peed sheepishly inside. Totally my fault. Q has been phenomenal as usual. Though a little slow sometimes to respond. She did the Parade of Lost Souls with no problem, even a flash mob doing Thriller. (However, her momma (me) was feeling stressed due to huge numbers of people and worrying about them stepping on her.) She is also coming to my new night shifts with me. Though she is kennelled through most of it, for her safety. She sleeps through much of time, or rests listening. There is much uncouth shouting, box throwing, and insult flying (it’s how we all make it through the wee hours), but Q remains nonplussed. She is continuing to work on resting her head on the floor. Wordlessly. And her STAND for her dinner. A little boy ran, jumped, and pulled her tail at T&T. She was startled and pulled away, but immediately looked up at me. We have also moved twice this month. And intend to move again soon.

Submitted By: Lydia Stepanovic