September was a fun month and I worked hard. ย I came back to Calgary after my summer holidays by the sea. ย I loved my holidays but I also like getting back to my routines of going to the office sometimes and wearing my vest a lot more. ย One of the highlites of my month was going to a working dog event where I met lots of people and answered questions about what I am being trained to do. ย I met our mayor, who is a friendly nice man but his taste in shoes was eclectic to say the least.


I also spent a lot of time in the hospital. ย I had to fly back to Vancouver quickly as a family member was in hospital so for 5 days I hung out there. ย I took the opportunity to cheer a lot of people up and people were always asking me to visit other patients. ย Nurses and social workers would see me and ask me to go different places. ย I was so good and handsome in my vest ย that I think they thought my official job was visiting. ย I like visiting and know it cheers people up and generally hospital isnโ€™t such a fun place for them ( not that fun for me either as I have to be very disciplined and in control at all times. ย No running around) but I like cheering people up. ย Once I had to jump up on a bed as a patient really wanted to snuggle me but couldnโ€™t reach down. ย Iโ€™m not allowed on beds so this was tricky. ย I was told to jump on but then I knew it was a bed so I had to be asked a few times and I wasnโ€™t sure if it was ok but everyone seemed happy when I did so I guess there are exceptions to bed rules!

Submitted By: David Welsh