Lilo in her vest, lying down looking at camera with her front paws crossed.

I feel like I’m getting into the routine with dad at work. I know I’m supposed to sit down when the kids come to say hi and I’m able to do that pretty well most of the time. I went on my first field trip at school to the Chilliwack Corn Maze – wow those kids sure know how to get muddy. I’ve been working on adding duration to my “sit” and “down” and am getting better at that, even in higher distraction areas like the bus exchange. Dad and I take the bus at least a couple of times each week and I’m usually able to ignore the people admiring my cuteness. I’ve also learned a new cue, “touch,” and I’m awesome at it! I got to wear a cool new cape for Halloween – can you guess what I was? A bumblebee! This life is great!

Submitted By: Puppy-Raiser Anderson Wiebe