
It’s been another amazing month. My people think I’m doing awesome! (At least that’s what they tell me). This month I got to experience a whole bunch of new things. I went to the ocean at Crescent Beach (what’s up with that water? Blech!), I got to watch the bikers doing the Ride to Conquer Cancer (some of them even stopped to say hi to me). I went to Hayward Lake and only dug a little bit in the sand. I got to see some other funny looking critters: cows, pigs, turkeys, and goats. I also got to go to my first restaurant, and some other coffee shops. I’m learning some pretty cool things too. I know that I’m not supposed to eat things on the floor, even if it’s my kibble. You can spell my LONG name out with kibble and I won’t even go over and smell it. I just look at it, and then at my people. So, yeah, a pretty great month I’d say.

Submitted by: Anderson/Adrienne Wiebe