
The New Year started off perfectly. On New Year’s day a bunch of my PADS puppy friends and I went to Pacific Spirit Park to play. There were sooo many of us, I didn’t know who to start playing with. They all love me and love to share my sticks. We ran around for almost two hours. I slept all the way home.

Then another really exciting time was when I met up with two other PADS puppy friends in Olympic Village. We walked over all kinds of different surfaces – grating, rail tracks, in a big noisy metal tunnel and then we walked down to the pier. And guess what? We went on a BOAT TAXI and I was really good, especially for my first time. We went on the BOAT to Granville Island Market, walked all around, then the hoomans had something to eat. We didn’t get to eat except a few treats when we went under their table. We were gone for almost two hours. I slept all the way home. Too bad my hooman forgot her camera again. Oh Yes! How could I forget! My hooman and I are setting up a Facebook Page just for me at PADS-service-dogs-in-training Jewel. Pretty cool eh?

Submitted By: Lurline Langbell