#WagOfTheWeek Help us recognize awesome PADS Peeps & Pups Your Name* First Last You may share my "wag" with the following as "submitted by"* My full name My first name Anonymous Email*We will use this to contact you if we have questions, and will not be shared. Who are you nominating?This can be a volunteer, donor, dog, staff member, team, program, client...anyone involved with PADS!What region is the person most involved with?Please check any/all that apply Select All Calgary Okanagan Vancouver Vancouver Island Other (please describe in nomination below) Tell us why you're nominating this pup/person and a little about them!*We reserve the right to edit for clarity/length as needed. We'll contact you if we have any questions. Please include a photo if possible.Accepted file types: jpg, png, heic, Max. file size: 16 MB.CAPTCHA