YAHTZEE is new to advanced training and is settling in nicely. He is a very sweet boy who easily transfers to different handlers.  He has been focusing on using his paws for targeting work for ‘push’ and ‘button’ cues.  He has a nice start on retrieve with firm grabs of a dumbbell and is working on strengthening his hold to hopefully add duration in the coming months.  He loves working on skills and is excited to see what he can do!

  • Skills being learned: ‘Button’, ‘push’, ‘light’, ‘open the door’, retrieve foundations.
  • Recent field trips: Canada Games Pool, 8 Rinks, various training field trips.
  • Possible behavior challenges: Alert barking at home.
  • Potential career path: Service, PTSD or AFD

Thank you again for all your support of Advanced Dog Yahtzee!

Submitted by: Apprentice Instructor Ashley Siddals