JERICHO brings his desire to please and infectious wiggle into everything he does! We are working on sharpening all basic behaviors like loose leash walking and default ‘sit’ and ‘leave it’ and Jericho continues to impress everyone with his willingness and persistence. Jericho continues to struggle with alert and suspicion barking, so we have been working on lots of redirection and incompatible behavior training. We will be exploring this challenge in the next month to learn more about it. Jessica has also been running Jericho through an “obstacle courses” designed by Apprentice Instructor Ashley that has the dogs practicing default ‘leave its’, obedience, skills, walking on different surfaces, proprioception, and strengthening exercises. He is especially good at the ‘crawl’ section of the course! Jericho enjoyed some nice rest and relaxation with sitters over the holiday break and is keen to get working again in the new year!

  • Skills being learned: Practicing default behavior, incompatible behavior training for alert/suspicion barking, sharpening all other basic skills and public access manners.
  • Recent field trips: Robert Burnaby Park, Lougheed Mall, various training field trips.
  • Possible behavior challenges: Alert barking at home and in vehicles, cape sensitivity, impulse control on leash.
  • Potential career path: Service or PTSD

Thank you again for all your support of Advanced Dog Jericho!

Submitted by: Training Programs Manager Margaret Hicks