
CADENCE has been doing some concentrated training on new skills this month. She loves working on new things and the training department is looking forward to seeing more of her work ethic from her up and coming puppies! Some of her skills are a little rough around the edges so she will be working on her precision and placement. Cadence is a very happy dog and welcomes new skills and lots of treats!

  • Skills being learned: ‘Button’, ‘step’, ‘tug’, ‘go through’, ‘back’, retrieve.
  • Recent field trips: Lougheed Mall, various training field trips with staff and volunteers.
  • Possible behavior challenges: Separation anxiety.
  • Advanced training location: Burnaby
  • Potential career path: Service

Thank you again for all your support of Advanced Dog Cadence!

Submitted by: Training Program Manager Margaret Hicks & Advanced Trainer Lisa Davis