
I turned 6 months old on Canada Day, so the month started out really fun because I got extra treats and new toys!

My human says I’m getting to be a really big boy now.  I can easily rest my chin on my human’s knee now; I guess that means I have grown a bunch.

 Plus, now I’m in Beginner classes with a new teacher, so I’m also learning more and more things at my puppy classes!



I’m learning how to get in and out of cars, how to wait patiently before leaving my kennel or walking through doors, how to “go in” and lie down under all kinds of things like tables and chairs and benches, and I’m trying really, REALLY hard to learn how to stay calm when other dogs are around.

I also had lots of adventures this month. Because I did so well with my recall last month, my human started taking me to these great places called “off-leash dog parks.”  They are so much fun because there are so many other friends there to play with!  I even went to a really cool place called Pacific Spirit Park where there are lots of trees and trails.  When the weather is warm, it’s nice and cool there.

I also went shopping at Granville Island, went to a place called a lumber yard, and went to a place called a church.  Stay tuned for even MORE adventures next month!

Submitted By: Tessa Matsuzaki

Photo Credits: Mary & Dave Amos (puppy-sitters) & Benita Yip (puppy-sitter)