This month is important because we remember those who have sacrificed their lives in the name of the freedom that we enjoy. To honour my sponsors and my raiser’s Dad who was a World War II veteran, we went to the White Rock Cenotaph and Vancouver City Hall on Remembrance Day to pay our respects to our veterans. I wore my poppy with pride.
Raiser took me to meet some very fluffy neighbours who just stared and me and ate grass! I had never met sheep before and I was super curious but stayed calm and was not nervous or excited which is a HUGE victory for me! One brave sheep came right up to the fence and stuck her nose through to give me a sniff and I loved it so much I sniffed her back!
We have a lot of boxes all over our house now and we have started to make things sparkle and glow. I’m being a good helper to my Raiser and I just supervise from my cozy bed while she does all the things.
Submitted by: Caroline Lewis