Nana spent a day at Douglas College with the vet program. When I picked her up they said “she’s the sweetest girl” and did really well. She was pretty tired when she got home so into her PJ’s she went and laid by the fire.
Nana was a very lucky girl and went to Pacific Spirit Park, Mundy Park and Bert Flinn with PADS Muse, Muse is like a big sister to Nana. The girls have so much fun together and Muse is a good mentor.
Nana hung out by the fireplace while I decorated the Christmas tree, then she decided to lay under the tree and be the BEST present ever! She’s been great around the tree and decorations and is looking forward to Santa.
Submitted by: Alison Stuart
Nana is the happiest girl in the morning, it’s such a nice way to start your day, she brings you her teddy and her tail wags are the best. Nana is learning lots of new things every week and doing well, she’s eager to learn and especially loves her special treats of banana & apple.