Remember when I told you that I was going on a little adventure last month? Well, it wasn’t a small adventure! I got to spend 17 days and nights outside of my home. My sitter was incredible, and she accepted me for who I was. She gave me love, food, walks, and we had the best of times. I don’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings, but do you think I can request to see her again?
When I got home, I quickly realized that my vacay was finished and we all went straight back to work. I didn’t mind it, though, as I am always eager to learn, and I love spending time in Chinatown and in the industrial part of Coquitlam.
My homework is another story, and they have been very focused since my break. We are doing ‘bed’ and ‘tucked sit’ commands over and over, and as we are all determined for me to get it right, practicing several times a day is the only way. I had some successes, too, and my ‘catch’ is phenomenal and walking on the right side of my handler has become a little easier. Huge thank you to Sitter Suz!
Public outings, you said? They haven’t been much with the current climate, but I assisted at the dentist, took the bus (again), did some groceries – we had nothing in the house when we all came back – and even went on a walk with a PADS Fren. I won’t lie; I was a little rusty at first, but things come back pretty quickly, and my wonderful temperament never fails and allows me to enjoy being in the world.
I am looking at my schedule next month. I don’t have any plans apart from going back to the gym and overnight at another sitter. So that my people can have a night by themselves and I also get a new experience. I overheard that this sitter has a former PADS puppy-in-training in her house, so I hope for some ‘actions’ and perhaps some bonding time with the lovely Sprout.
Submitted by: Team CopperIV