It seems like just yesterday I was talking about โ€œLOVEโ€ in my Feb. 2021 Pupdate! All of those love things that I mentioned are still true and some have grown from โ€œlikeโ€ closer to โ€œloveโ€, such as training and even wearing my winter booties! Still top of my love list is my ABCs (Apples, Bananas and Carrots)!

On Feb. 2nd, I saw three giant groundhogs that were casting shadows on ME! Apparently, they are called horses. I was almost as tall of them (not really) as I was standing on a big snowbank, but I was still a bit nervous. I took my time and was rewarded with kibble to โ€œGo say hi,โ€ then I started to like them a lot. I even got a bit giddy when they sniffed my body with their huge nostrils!

I went backcountry Nordic skiing (on the KVR) for the first time and was very respectful of the skis and poles. I had lots of fun but was somewhat tired on the return trek. I also went on more snowy adventure hikes – trying to avoid the melting muddy/icy Valley this time of year.

I celebrated my Champagne Birthday with my sister Misty (17 months old on the 17th). I even found a bottle of โ€œdoggy champagne,โ€ but the dog was the wrong colour on the label.

I got all excited as I was going to this โ€˜Labโ€™ place one Friday. Turns out that it was a labโ€ฆorotory, and there was not another Labrador in sight! Despite my disappointment in the lack of others โ€˜Labsโ€™, I was very well behaved during the 2-hour process, and I seemed to make people happy (even when I drooled a bit).

I started (optional) in-person puppy classes again. I pulled a little bit at the start of class, but it wasnโ€™t to see the other dogs. It was to offer to stand and work on the platforms!

I look forward to springing into more action next month, whatever it may beโ€ฆ work, play or basking in a sunbeam!

Submitted by:ย Kristen Lee and Misha