Edith here, and what a month May was! I guess now that I am One, things have become a bit more intense and exciting. The month started off with me going to another raiser for almost two weeks. She worked in a school, and so I went there every day and had to adapt to different routines and places. I tried really hard and actually enjoyed it. Then I visited little children at the weekends. Once home, I was excited and tired too. I’m getting much better at going for walks, ignoring other dogs and people, and barking less. I’ll save my energy for other things. One evening we drove into Vancouver and watched people skating around to music. It was loud and long, and I did my best to settle nicely but didn’t close my eyes. How could I sleep in that environment? My raiser says I have to get better at settling in public places ( doing nothing) for longer. So I am working on that. But I don’t really want to lie around out and about, but I am really good at settling at home. One special treat I had was to explore the new Langley Hospice building. Which should be opening soon. Everything was clean and new, and I was very well behaved.
Last weekend, I saw a dinosaur exhibit and saw lots and lots of life-sized dinosaurs and even a real baby one. I wasn’t bothered by the enormous dinos or the crowds of people. Still, the hardest thing to ignore was the huge buckets of french fries that the adults were eating whilst walking around. Really, they should not walk past me eating. We had one sunny day in May. I thought it’d be sunny and warm by now, but apparently, it’s coming next month. Maybe next month I can enjoy some nice walks with my friends.
Submitted by: Jo Brand