I have lost a whole pound. I don’t know where it’s gone to, but I don’t think I’ll ever get it back. And MummaE says I have another one to lose. But at least she is still feeding me. I have helped both mummas fix their gardens so I can lie in the sun with them, if it’s ever going to be sunny. Summer is supposed to be on its way, although this mysterious heat the mummas are rumbling about has not shown up yet. But every day, they flip me upside down and peer at me. The scary gray cat is sweetening up on me, and her brother regularly boops my head now. I likes my catses.
I had a big adventure towards the end of May. I got to ride with sister Glossy and Auntie Jewel, but I had to be in a crate in the way back and we weren’t even allowed to exchange sniffs, which was rude. But when I got to PADS, I did all kinds of mystery things in a mystery room. Nobody ever tells me anything. But they do feed me.
Submitted by: Erin and Clelie