This month was a hot one so we enjoyed a lot of indoor activities and pool time to keep cool.

At the beginning of the month me and my PADS Okanagan classmates had an outing to the mall. We practiced loose leash walking in a group, going under chairs and tables in the food court, and finished with some duration downs with distraction while people walked by. As if that wasn’t challenging enough the humans decided we needed to do a “quick” Costco run on our way home (needless to say I slept very well that night).

We also went to a big car show in the park, there were multiple different Cadillacs there but I was definitely the youngest (and the only one with fur). It was very exciting with so many people and other dogs there but I was able to navigate it like a pro with a little assistance from my Halti.

One of the most exciting things this month was I finally ventured off the step in the pool and officially swam. I don’t float very well yet but I’m told practice makes perfect and I’m sure I’ll get lots of practice time during the rest of the Okanagan summer.

That’s all for this month. Cheers!


Submitted by: Sarah Markson