
August brought us a big surprise in the form of a little eight-week-old puppy named Slick. He is active and energetic in a way that is both exhausting and exhilarating. Everything is new, exciting, and worth investigating for this puppy. And there is nothing more exciting to Slick than a bowl of kibble, except maybe Neo, the cat! Slick has been trying very hard to forge a friendship with the standoffish senior pet of the house, going so far as to bat his paw at Neo as though he, too, is a cat. He has thoroughly explored the backyard and likes nothing better than a splash with the garden hose on a hot day. He’s been on small excursions exploring the neighbourhood, grocery stores, Home Depot and Canadian Tire. At Breakfast at OEB, he won the hearts of the people at the next table, who noticed him under ours. Not because he was misbehaving, but because he’s just so darn cute in that little cape (and out of it).

Submitted by: Tracey